If we planted trees as easily as we unethically threw trash, the earth would be a lot cooler

by Pokhararhinos

Posted on February 11, 2020 at 7:21 pm

If we planted trees as easily as we unethically threw trash, the earth would be a lot cooler

Ever since I was little, I dreamt of watching films out in gardens just like they did in Hollywood movies. Sitting out with blankets maybe around a little fire - watching movies projected onto our neighbourhood’s wall . But even back then, I could picture a cloud of the Kathmandu dust (almost like Koffing from pokemon) - laughing as if to mock me.

                                Fresh, Clean Air is every Human's Birthright. 

Cricket is an outdoor game and we all know how far behind Kathmandu is in providing that - not only for the players but also for every person in the city. Which is why J4 Sports this year is aiming to raise awareness about the prevalent air pollution under our ‘Breathe Clean - Unmask Nepal’ campaign. 

The Pokhara Rhinos is hosting the Open Air Movie Night as an initiation against the ongoing air pollution in our cities. It's time we start taking responsibility for our actions and take a stand for our rights, - stand up for our birthright. We here at J4 Sports this year have taken up the challenge of raising awareness of clean air - One Breath At a Time

‘‘It’s just one bottle, one plastic bag, just one one cup, just one straw, just one....’’ - Said 7.4 Billion people on Earth. 

Along with all the Movie, Popcorn, Food, and Drinks, you will be purchasing a TREE for us! Every ticket you purchase will be spent on the plantation of trees around the Pokhara Rangasala Stadium. Join the Pokhara Rhinos to be a little part of the big change we are bringing around this year. 


If we planted trees as easily as we unethically threw trash, the earth would be a lot cooler  😎 



Avinandita Acharya, Creative Brain 

Pokhara Rhinos | J4Sport